Subscription Economy News: Week of 07/27/20

Every week, we bring you the top stories and analyses from the global Subscription Economy. Fidelity’s $3 challenge to Schwab: The latest twist in digital advice subscription pricing Excerpt from an article by Ryan W. Neal on Financial Planning Fidelity Investments is the latest brokerage firm to embrace a subscription fee pricing model for digital advice. […]

Freemium or Free Trial: We Have a Winner!

Quick, what’s your immediate answer to the following question: In order to attract new subscribers, should a subscription business offer them unlimited access to a free, pared-down version of the service, or the full version of the service for a limited time? Freemium vs Free Trial. It’s an age-old debate that has a renewed urgency. […]

The Agile CFO: A Conversation with Todd McElhatton

Over the next several weeks, I’ll be talking with some CFOs that I admire about the massive disruption happening in finance departments today. I’m kicking off this semi-regular series with a finance professional who impresses me enormously — Todd McElhatton, the brand new CFO of Zuora! The last 20 years of Todd’s career have been […]

Do We Really Need CFOs?

Let me begin this week’s newsletter by stating for the record that I think most CFOs are fine people. They are responsible and detail-oriented. Lots of times, they are way more friendly and outgoing than you might think. But do we really need them? As the guardian of the financial health of an organization, a […]

Subscription Businesses Remain Resilient Amid COVID-19

Zuora today released the newest edition of its Subscription Impact Report designed to measure the economic impact of COVID-19 on subscription businesses from March 1 – May 31, 2020 compared to the previous 12 months (February 2019-February 2020). The report, analyzing both subscriber acquisition rates and average revenue per subscriber, compares Software and High Tech, Media, Consumer Membership and Internet of Things industry segments. 

Subscription to Success

Below is an excerpt of the article, “Subscription to Success,” from Fortune Magazine’s May Fortune 500 edition.  When public health restrictions sent the global economy into a tailspin this year, companies of all stripes were suddenly reminded how important customer retention is to revenue, margins, and even solvency. What might have gone unnoticed, however, is […]

Are subscription businesses more resilient in a crisis?

This piece was originally published by Iman Ghodosi, Zuora’s VP and GM of APAC, in The Australian.    In my working life, I can’t remember a time like the first half of 2020. Coronavirus has changed our society, which has changed our economies, and in many cases that’s led to seismic shifts for commercial enterprises […]

Subscription Businesses Prove Their Resilience (Surprise, Surprise)

This is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Every sector of the economy is being hit, and technology is no exception. An online tracking spreadsheet shows approximately 25,000 startup workers have been laid off so far. The general sense is the world is falling apart. But my conversations with other subscription companies have […]

Subscription Impact Report: COVID-19 Edition

The worldwide spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a quick and damaging effect on the global economy. However, amongst operational disruptions, supply chain restrictions, and a global recession, subscription businesses are proving to be resilient. In an analysis of hundreds of subscription-based companies, more than half have not seen an impact on their subscriber growth, […]