Electronic payment fraud is on the rise

With so many businesses supporting high-volume B2C-oriented businesses on Zuora, payment fraud is a topic we’ve been helping our customers with for a long time. However, it does seem like the problem has reached a new level recently. Well, this week’s data insight confirms it, electronic payment fraud is on the rise. More specifically, we […]

Intern returns to Zuora for second year of learning

Interning at Zuora requires more than just busy work or isolated project groups—that sounds like course work in the workplace, and quite frankly, Zuora needs interns to bring the magic. “Our interns quickly become valuable members of our teams rolling up their sleeves to tackle strategic projects and provide fresh perspectives on business,” says Robbie […]

Strategies to become a top performing consumption business

Week 2 – Product-led Growth or Model-led Growth? The chart above shows that the cohort of customers that performed the best, on average, across revenue growth, average revenue per account (ARPA) growth, and average monthly churn were the ones who had 3-5 charge models contribute at least 10%, each, to their total invoiced revenue. Last […]