Putting the Customer First: Insights on Driving Adoption and Tech Agility

A black and white image of a person's hands reviewing charts on a digital tablet with papers, a notebook, and a calculator on the desk.

In our keynote session at SubLive Berkeley, Tien Tzuo, Founder and CEO of Zuora, and Abhisht Arora, Chief Strategy Officer at Zoom, shared valuable insights into the importance of customer-centric strategies, focusing on long-term customer outcomes, driving adoption, and maintaining technological agility.  In this article, we’ll recap the key points discussed, highlighting how businesses can […]

Beyond KPIs: Benchmarks that Empower Modern Businesses

A person is typing on a laptop displaying graphs and charts. Nearby are a pair of glasses and a smartphone on a white desk.

Revenue Operations leaders have been tracking KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) like “ARR”, “MRR”, and “Churn Rate” since the early aughts when SaaS models first started gaining steam amongst software companies. These metrics were a great starting point for plotting year over year trends, but how much can they really tell you? They can’t answer deeper […]

3 Ways to Reduce Payment Declines and Minimize Revenue Loss

A black and white image of a person's hands reviewing charts on a digital tablet with papers, a notebook, and a calculator on the desk.

Whether you’re measuring your customer numbers or your revenue, churn is a critical metric for subscription businesses. The main reason? Churn is expensive: acquiring new customers costs five to 25 times more than keeping the ones you have. And churn doesn’t just cost you now—you lose out on future profits, too.   Voluntary vs. Involuntary […]

The Shift Towards Flexible Payment Systems in the Digital Age

Person holding a credit card while working on a laptop.

Revolutionizing Customer Transactions Andreas Martin, Sr Director, Solutions Management for B2C, shares his insights into the changing world of customer payments. Businesses across the board are undergoing a significant paradigm shift in how they approach customer transactions. This transformation transcends the mere adoption of new technologies; it marks a fundamental change in strategy to accommodate […]

2024 Monetization Outlook: Strategies for Recurring Growth – On Demand

On-Demand Webinar 2024 Monetization Outlook: Strategies for Recurring Growth Explore insights from the newly-published Subscription Economy Index™(SEI), Zuora’s benchmark report that has been published since 2016, which analyzes the growth and resilience of businesses leveraging various monetization models designed to create recurring growth. This edition of the SEI (as of April 2024) features new data […]

Why you need to incorporate AI into your payment fraud protection

Person holding a credit card while working on a laptop.

Payment fraud has always been a cat and mouse game: technology advances, fraudsters adapt, and the cycle continues. But imagine if we could stay one step ahead using AI.  With cyber-fraudsters becoming progressively sophisticated, relying solely on traditional fraud detection methods is no longer adequate. AI has the potential to enhance fraud detection and prevention […]

Customer Webinar Series

On-Demand Webinars March 2024 Customer Webinars Maximize Business Revenue through Streamlined Payment Operations (March 21, 2024)In today’s business environment, growing revenue can be challenging, especially with consumer reluctance to adopt new services or maintain subscriptions. Every failed payment or decline directly impacts cash flow and revenue. To mitigate these issues, companies must streamline their payment processes […]

Zuora’s H1 2024 Product Roadmap – On Demand

Webinar – OnDemand Roundtable: Rev Rec Automation for Complex Use Cases (CPE available) According to Zuora’s latest survey, 74% of revenue accounting teams perform manual interventions on a daily basis to process transactions. These teams typically rely on a combination of spreadsheets and native ERP capabilities for revenue recognition, which results in never-ending customizations, elevated […]

Live Demo: Zuora for Consumption

Webinar – OnDemand Live Demo: Zuora for Consumption Consumption models are becoming more valuable and relevant as companies are adapting their offerings to provide more flexibility for their customers. Whether companies are experimenting with AI offerings or simply attempting to lower adoption barriers for customers, consumption monetization can be a strategic lever for efficient growth.During […]

Optimize Your Digital Payment Strategy

Webinar – OnDemand Simplify & Succeed: Optimize Your Digital Payment Strategy Building a resilient payment infrastructure in today’s digital landscape poses distinct challenges, especially for subscription-driven enterprises. These challenges span from selecting the optimal gateway and payment methods to orchestrating their implementation and ensuring a robust structure for continuous growth.  But the question lingers: Is […]

How to Combat Payment Fraud & Maximize Retention

Webinar – OnDemand Lunch on Zuora: How to Combat Payment Fraud & Maximize Retention Criminal fraud is getting increasingly sophisticated in exploiting digital sales channels for their gains. And traditional fraud prevention is not only proving to be ineffective at intercepting fraud, but introduces friction in ways that not only turns away potential customers, but […]