
IoT and The Fall and Rise of Manufacturing Book Chapter

Free chapter from the national bestseller "Subscribed."

By 2030 IoT is projected to explode into a sector that will be roughly the size of the current economy of China, or around $14 trillion. Today that figure represents about 11 percent of the global economy.

Those are staggering figures, but, as Zuora CEO Tien Tzuo explains in this book excerpt from his national bestseller “Subscribed: Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company’s Future — and What To Do About It,” they may actually be understated.

Today every manufacturing company on the planet is turning into an IoT company. And this has profound implications on the way these firms market, sell, develop, and design.

In this book excerpt, Tzuo explores the broad, systemic shift in manufacturing from products to service models and how this transforms the way companies must innovate and operate.

Highlights include:

  • The rise of service level agreements
  • Shifting from selling products to providing outcomes
  • The concept of “digital twins”
  • Case studies from General Electric, Caterpillar, Komatsu, and more

Download the free book chapter now!