
Best Sales Deck Ever

- Andy Raskin

Recently we were pleasantly surprised when we ran across this post on LinkedIn. Andy Raskin, a messaging and positioning expert responsible for crafting some of the most successful sales, marketing and investor pitches in Silicon Valley, was touting that a sales deck made by Zuora was the “greatest sales deck he’s ever seen.” That’s high praise coming from Andy.

In his post, Andy spells out the 5 reasons he thinks the deck is so “brilliant.” We’re flattered because at Zuora our brand and creative team puts a tremendous amount of effort into crafting our messaging and telling compelling, visual stories that help communicate our vision to the rest of the world.

Andy was asked by his source (an ex-Zuora employee) to not share the original deck publicly, and he respectfully obliged. But in case you’re curious to look deeper at our ‘perfect pitch,’ we’ve created this PDF for your viewing pleasure.

Download and enjoy! 

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