7 Tips For Becoming Irreplaceable In An Age Of Machines

7 Tips For Becoming Irreplaceable In An Age Of Machines

Excerpts from an article by Laurence Bradford  in Forbes

I talked to Andrew Filev, CEO of Wrike–a work management program that utilizes AI and machine learning. Filev is considered a thought leader on exploring the boundaries between human productivity and machine capabilities and the strengths and weaknesses of each for completing critical work in business environments, and in these tips he’ll help unpack the subject of how to stay competitive in the workforce as machines get smarter.

1. Embrace your creative side.
Machines can do a lot of things, but imagination isn’t their strong suit–and likely will never be. Even if you’re not in a traditionally “creative” job like art, design, writing, etc., chances are that your job does have some creative aspects to it. Honing in on those will make you valuable.

2. Don’t waste too much time on “busywork”–routine tasks will be the first to go.
Related to the above point, if you’re in a job where all you do are simple, easy tasks, it might be time to start job hunting. Wait until machines replace you and it’ll be a lot harder to bounce back–be proactive while you can.

Continuing from his previous point, Filev says, “The routine part of the job is the one where you start looking deeply into it and think, okay, how could we automate or eliminate that part and do as little as that as possible so our jobs become more meaningful, more fun, and we become more productive. You know, for our own sake and for the business sake.”

Filev illustrates this using the example of his company’s sales team. “The biggest part of their job is to close the deal, but then there was still a lot of manual routine work associated with that: sign the contracts, generate the quotes, put this into billing system, and so on. And we were able to automate a lot of that “work” work, just takes a button, thanks to DocuSign for digital signatures and Zuora for subscription management. Our whole process has gone smoothly.”

Read the full article on Forbes

And check out how Zuora helps companies such as Wrike and DocuSign succeed in the Subscription Economy!

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