Flexible Packaging and Pricing Puts Me in the Mood to Shop

Flexible Packaging and Pricing Puts Me in the Mood to Shop

by Annette Giambroni


Recently I’ve noticed a definitive change in the way that companies are marketing to me – as both a consumer and a business decision maker. Whereas last year it was about winning my business, now it seems that companies are focused on keeping it. And they’re using innovative pricing and packaging strategies to do so.


You’ve probably noticed an onslaught of offers from companies to buy now, and pay later. In just one day, I received three such offers:


  • An analyst firm not only offered me a discount if I would agree to renew their service, but also offered to defer billing until next quarter, and to spread out my payments over the next year.
  • A few minutes later I received a discreet call from a professional interest group to which I have belonged for years offering to delay and spread out my payments if I didn’t cancel my membership.
  • But my favorite has to be the email I received from the commercial airline JetBlue. They sent an offer to “Bill Me Later” allowing to me to buy a ticket for this summer but not pay for it until the fall (after using the ticket!). Okay so not exactly a traditional subscription service, but unexpected flexibility in packaging from an otherwise notoriously uncompromising industry.


It seems that these companies are finally getting it… It’s better to have a customer who might pay later verses no customer whatsoever. In order to survive the downturn, companies need to adapt quickly and offer flexible payment options to entice the increasingly discerning customer and build brand loyalty. In the meantime, I’m suddenly feeling inspired to book a flight to Miami…


Have you received any interesting or unusual offers aimed at keeping your business lately? I’d love to hear about them.

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